
Rabu, 27 Juli 2011

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Untuk menjalankan Free Avast Antivirus 6.0, komputer yang diperlukan minimal Pentium 3 dengan RAM 128 MB serta hardisk 300 MB. Dapat berjalan di Windows XP ( SP 2 atau lebih tinggi), Windows Vista ( kecuali starter Edition) serta Windows 7.
Download Free Avast Antivirus 6.0 (51.57 MB)

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Bagi para pemain keyboard pemula, tentunya bakal diajarkan untuk mengenali kunci/chord dalam memainkan instrumen keyboard itu sendiri. Tanpa chord, seseorang belum disebut keyboardis kalau belum menguasainya.

Ada banyak cara untuk mempelajari chord ini, mulai dari kursus, otodidak dengan cari buku referensi, atau juga bisa belajar dari komputer, caranya dengan memakai software Piano Chord Helper 4.

Aplikasi ini ditujukan bagi keyboardis yang mau memulai belajar chord/kunci keyboard. Penggunaannya hanya berkisar sebagai penunjuk kunci/chord yang dipelajari dengan menggunakan visualisasi gambar dan ditambah dukungan pemutar chord yang dipilih.

Link Download:

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Senin, 11 Juli 2011

a TAMM Creation

The loved people will make us do everything. They have great impact on us. We will do anything for them. Luckily we have ability to catch the advantage of that "force", one example is a TAMM creation. This site is built with the motivation to do everything for the kids and fortunately supported by the husband. After all, we find that this site is composed by a mother. Now she has and run her own business.
She loves writing as it is said in her previous pos 'freelance writing'. It is a great interest. Firstly it is just for fun but in the end she eagerly to write a book. At least by writing she has opportunity to share her idea, thought, and creation. She understands well that writing has strong power for socialization personally and profitably. This blog where she writes on used to be a medium for her to run his business, selling handicraft creation. As everything had changed she focused on topic of kid and family. She has been a writer.

Good Translation

Translation is transferring not only words by word but also message to message. In certain case, it will be quite difficult to make translation. How is to make good Arabic translation from English phrase of “as white as snow” meanwhile there is no snow in Arabian?
The basic requirement of a good translator is mastering resource and target language with all non-linguistic aspect . If he is an English translator and wants to make Hindi translation, he should understand well the language and aspect of India. Similarly, if he works with Farsi translation, he has to be familiar with linguistics and non-linguistics of Farsian.
However, translation providers can bridge that difficulty. The translation experts, such as India translation will help to fix the problem. The experts who have grammatical, lexical, sociolinguistics specialization will match in transferring the message from one language to another language.

Good Young Mother

t is about a young mother. It has a title of yummy mummy. This blog is representative of her idea of becoming young mother. He pours her thought and opinion on this blog in relating her position of a mother of kid and a wife of a husband. Beside that, she is trying to monetizing it
This blog has fresh physical appearance. She choose green border of her template. She is young therefore she has to have a blog look fresh and energetic. She looks to have strong care to her baby that is why we find her monthly calendar of feeding milk to her baby attaches on the header of the blog.
She is not only a good mother for her baby but also a good wife for her husband. She expresses it in her post labeled wedding anniversary. It is a romantic scene. In the last she is monetizing this blog. It must help her husband support financially the family. It is really a reference blog for every young mother and wife.

Recording Mommy Journey

Life itself is a journey. For Rosemarie, a pretty young Filipino single mother for 2-year kid, the daily activities are worthily documented. The site is her effort to record of what she did, does and will do daily.
The site consists of several topic; family, motherhood, shopping, money, love fashion and shopping. These topics are close related to her own life. She is not only young but also pretty and she has a kid. These topics will be useful to her. Rosemarie is also interested with making money, internet, business, computer, loan and other interesting stuff. She is a widely knowledge mom.
The template design of her site is very girly, pink centered. She has arranged her site very attractive, fresh and bright. Again, this physical appearing site must represent her personal mood because she is a young and pretty mom. I like this site and you, young mothers, surely will like the site too.

A Site from Reog Boy

It has been appearing. It calls its self gusblake. It is a site of a boy from Ponorogo. If you have not known Ponorogo yet, it is one of regencies in East Java, Indonesia. Recently, this town has appeared as public issues because Reog Ponorogo, one of its local genius traditional dances got on the stage in Malaysia as its icon. I am not going to talk about this traditional culture. Instead of it, a site which has been built by a young boy with with this local reog spirit has attracted me much.
This site is trying to attract to the world. With its physical design, it is simple but easily eyes catcher. Each of the pages is divided into three columns with different size. The left wider column is for main content. The central positioned column is seemingly designed for monetizing and SEO tools. The rest column which takes place in the right side is taken place by archives, content summary and blogging community
This site concentrates to several topics, namely health, information, tips, trick, thought, personal sharing, technology, refreshing, travel and other topics. The author named Sofyan tries to present these topics seriously but in nice way.

An Attractive Motherly Blog

The title is yummy baby and the Author's nick name Yummy Mummy. It is clear enough to be said that this blog is composed by a mother to her baby. After reading her post I find that the mother and father got the second marriage anniversary. Now they have a very chubby baby. I should say congratulation on their completely fixed nice family.
This blog is written in the third person point of view. The third person is the baby itself. It shows that the mother has big effort to take care and do everything for her baby. It is a very motherly tasted blog. I like the way she write on her blog. She writes about her daily care on her baby. He makes record on her baby development. All these materials of taking care about her baby are the main resource in writing contents for her blog. It is a very useful blog especially for any mother and babysitter. Of course, any father will get advantage to read this blog.

Making Money Online

I read the description of this blog which has title The World is Yours Now and I straightly catch the point that this blog is about how to make money online. I have read several such point blogs but this one is different. This blog is strongly motivated reader that there is wide opportunity to make money online especially through writing blog
This blog gradually guides reader how to make money through blog fast and easily. There are ways to make money by blogging. Bloggers can apply some pay per click program. They can write for some reviews in their blogs and receive payment for their approval reviews. They can build massive affiliate program by selling good and service of certain merchant and getting payment for what they sell. This blog shows reader that the opportunity of making money is widely open. This blog tries to open the reader's mind and show how to do to earn money by blogging. Certain content itself about buying ferrari represents simple example which readers can think and do suitably for their own to make money by blogging.

Guide to Japanese Pop Culture

Cassandra Morgan is a married woman. She has a kid. As other fixed family, she likes pets too. She does not close her self to popular stuff; movie, game, electronical equipments, artist life, progressive music and others. In fact she is a Japanese pop culture its self.
She has been building her website, The Geek Within. She has composed her reviews to various topics in side pop culture. She presents them to be known that they are the recent life of Japanese. Music, interest, digital equipments and accessories are found in her subject. She eagerly strengthens her website as another side of medium for communication.
She has been familiar with various games. She writes about what she has known. What she writes in her blog is short but effective. It just shows the way, walking through or not is up to the reader. She has a brave heart to show what she has known but she has a willingness to accept any suggestion

Recommended Software Applications

Software application have grown to their density. A lot of softwares have been offered to us. They claim that they are the best product. A buyer is really a king. He/she has so many choices to select which he/she likes most. In one side, this phenomenon present us comparable software products but, in the other hands, it make us complicated to choose.
Due to this complex phenomenon of consumer, a review site is necessary. It will be a recommending bridge between consumer and producer. A good reviewer will place hes/her self in the middle arena. He/she will not tend to specially software producer or absolutely consumer. He/she just presents the real description of the product. He/she will observes to find the good and bad side of the product. In the last, he/she will recommends whether the reviewed products deserve to choose or not. That is really helpful for consumer.

Structuring the Product Review Text

Product reviewing has attracted many blogger. Besides Pay per Click program, reviewing has appeared as top choice for blogger in earning online. Writing review is lucrative source for blogger. In one side, writing review can make rich content of the blog. Of course it has to be suitable or arranged to suit the niche of the blog. In the second side, blogger can get earning from that content.

Review is one of text genres. This classification of text types is commonly based on the structure which used by the writer to compose his text. Each text type will have different form of generic structure. As I said in my previous post, review text usually has generic structure as:

Introduction: it is the highlight of the general description about what will be reviewed. It can be product, services which want to be sold, or just a site which want to be known publicly. Then it will drive more traffic into the site.

Evaluation: the second phase is coming inside into the product in details. It states the parts, uniqueness, quality of the product which will be known publicly. However too much detail description will “teach” the will-buyer and it does not sound good. Evaluating as far as necessary for the targeted buyer is more genuine. The term of evaluation will not be far from simple word of good or bad. In this phase reviewer will apply much evaluative word, valuable, useful, worthy, etc.

Interpretation: after writing about the objective thing of the product, it is the time for reviewer to write about what he thinks or impresses on the product. Of course this phase can be done after getting enough evaluation on the product. It is personal idea about the product. Frequently to support and strengthen his idea or impression, a reviewer describes a comparison to other similar product. He states in which side the product has additional value or honestly admitted that the product lacks value in certain side.

Summary: this phase is recommending conclusion for reader of the product. After clearly explanation, a reviewer will make a final comment whether the product is valuable or not for targeted buyer. This phase is the worth of the review for reader.

All about Ohio Sports

It is time for men speak. If previous post is about kid and mother, this post is about men and their masculine stuff. Sport is always attracted us much. It shows power, strength, strategy, dedication and commitment.
This site features Ohio State player and recruit interviews of football, basketball and National Football League of America information completely with top pictures. It presents scores and improvement of player and game. This site is useful resource for sport affiliates; player, spectator, commentator, journalist, coach and others.
It also provides news area which a lot of up-to-date information about sport and things related to it. Beside that, it also gives forum area where visitors have opportunity in interact with others. They can discuss a hot news and topic. They can ask certain question while others give comment. If they maximally use these facilities, they will be strongly connected and appear as solid community on sport.

Career in Translation

Functionally, translation is transferring the message or the meaning and not the word. According to Nida, such translation is called dynamic equivalence translation. It tries to bring the precise message in different language.

Many people like to watch Hollywood movie but many get trouble in understanding to the actors' dialogue. So the way they get the understanding about the movie is reading the translating text running. If Hindi translation is provided, it will bring the better understanding for Indian moviegoer. Hollywood movie spread over other Asia countries. Therefore, Arabic translation, Indonesian translation and Farsi translation are widely needed and that is a big chance for English master in that countries.

India is likely being an English speaking country. India translation will grow better and. It seems Indonesia, Malaysia and Filipina will reach that mark too soon. Translation job will be great in amount and that is good development for translating job seekers.

Zenni Optical; a site for eyeglasses

Eyeglasses will become more and more important. It is not only because for protecting our eyes from the hot light but also for holding the trend. There are a lot of online sites which provides products of eyeglasses but Zenni Optical was on FOX news! is just the perfect one.
If we visit the site, we will easily catch various information about eyeglasses. The site is quite simple but very informative. It is real, easy and not complicated design. With quick loading this site will bring us quickly in to what we want.
There is information about Variable Dimension Frames From Zenni. Titanium, aluminum and rimless frame are available. The eyeglasses are designed for different users. Eyeglasses for children, woman and man are available choice. Again, what makes it different is this site gives the Great Eyeglasses For Less cost. The product can be sold in cheap price because it has cut the marketing link. It straightly goes to the end user.

Business Loan Program

Many of us want to build new business or manage the old one to make big development. Business plan has been analyzed. The property and equipment have been listed. However this good plan and preparation will not run well without enough cash in hands.
What we have to do when we have to face such condition? Will we give up and sleep leaving that good plan and preparation? We should not. When there is a will there is a way. The answer is finding Business Loans program which offer the best service. Easy process is one of the characteristics. Of course we do not want to apply the loan in complicated process. Some programs offer the easy service in processing but some time they do not give funding quickly. In the other hand we do need the cash for running our business.
The best program of Business Loan will provide easy process in application, fund quickly as we urgently need the cash and provide the excellent service with fully customer support. So if you have found such program, apply soon to increase your own business profit.

Contoh / Example of News Item Text

Winning Award for Airport Toilet
Surabaya's Juanda International Airport has won the Culture and Tourism Ministry's 2009 toilet award, beating out 2007 winner Denpasar's Ngurah Rai Airport, which now drops to fourth. Indonesia's main gateway, Soekarno-Hatta International Airport, just outside Jakarta, moves up from fourth in 2007 to second, in the biennial "Sapta Pesona Clean Public Toilet Award".

The award was first handed out in 2007, and has so far involved only international airports. Acting Culture and Tourism Minister Muhammad Nuh said he expected the award in future to also cover public toilets at tourist sites across the country.

"Granting the award to those running public toilets at tourist sites is expected to improve the quality of products and services, particularly in term of cleanliness . as part of efforts to enhance the image of national culture," Nuh said during the award presentation ceremony.
Taken from:

The Clear Example of News Item Text about Landslide

Landslide in Bukittinggi
Two people died while four others were wounded in a landslide at a yard behind a house near Teleng market in Bukittinggi, West Sumatra on Tuesday.

Killed were 3-year-old Yusuf, who was the son of a kiosk owner at the market, Bujang, and 22-year-old Meli, who was a visitor to the market. The injured were rushed to the Achmad Muchtar and Yarsi hospitals.

Bukittinggi Deputy Mayor Ismet Amziz said Tuesday it was suspected that recent heavy rainfall had caused the landslide.

Generic Structure of News Item
1. Main event: News item text presents the daily newsworthy. In this example of news item text, the first paragraph is the main event. It informs the reader that a landslide happened
2. Elaboration: The second paragraph of this example of news item gives further explanation about the main event that the two victim were 3 and 22 years old while the injured were brought to hospitals
3. Resource of information: The last paragraph is the official statement from the expert or the authority which strengthen the news of the main event

Contoh / Example of News Item Text about Indonesian Maid Tragedy

Indonesian Migrant Worker dies in Malaysia
An Indonesian migrant worker Munti Binti Bani has died on Monday after being hospitalized for several days due to alleged torture by her employees in Selangor, Malaysia.

Antara state news agency has reported that Munti had been treated at Tengku Ampuan Rahimah hospital since last Tuesday and died on Monday at 10 a.m, local time. Munti was found unconscious with her hands and feet were tied in a bathroom in Taman Sentosa housing complex last Tuesday. She was suffering from major wounds on her body and had apparently been beaten with iron.

Munti's body will be sent tomorrow to her hometown in Pondok Jeruk Barat village of Jombang, East Java after undergoing autopsy at the hospital. “We express our deep condolences as there is yet another worker who was tortured and passed away at the hospital,” Indonesia's Ambassador for Malaysia, Da'i Bachtiar said in Kuala Lumpur on Monday. “The Embassy will arrange for all compensation, including insurance, she deserves to receive,” Da'i said.

He added that Munti's employees Vanitha and Murugan had been detained and were undergoing questioning at the local police office. “We hope the police can uphold justice and punish them should they be proven to be involved in the case,” he said.
Composed from:

Understanding News Item Text

What is a news item text? A news item text is a text which is grouped into the text genre of narration. The main function of narration is is telling stories or informing about events in chronological order. The order in the narration can be based of time, place and the events them selves.
Referring to the high school graduate standard, news item text should be completely studied in the first class with narrative and recount text. These three text types explore the way on how a story or event is retold to others.
News item text is written for public information of what is the newsworthy of the day. Basically, a news item text tries to answer the 5Ws and 1H questions; what, who, when, where, why, and how relating to the newsworthy.
Due to the different generic structure of text types, though news item is in one group of narration genres with narrative and recount, understanding the structures on how the news item composed is absolutely important for better understanding on text genres which are different from one type to another. The following example of news item text is taken from the jakarta post which is best in revealing what news item is and how it is structured.

Three Die after Attending Marriage Ceremony
Three residents were killed, while dozens of others were wounded after a pickup truck they were taking to attend a marriage ceremony overturned in Jingkang village, Banyumas Regency, on Sunday.
The pickup was carrying 30 passengers, mostly women, when it failed to ascend a steep road on its way back from the ceremony.
As a result, the passengers were squeezed. The wounded passengers were later rushed to the Ajibarang regional public hospital.
Local police are investigating the cause of the accident.

After reading above example of news item text, it is clearly that news item text is written to inform the newsworthy. It is socially important to know that there was an accident of pickup which caused three died.
Additionally the generic structure of above news item is as follow:
1. Main event; the main event is the three died in an accident of the pickup after attending marriage ceremony
2. Elaboration; it can be a background, participant, time, and place relating to the accident. It is the detail information for the accident which informs on how the accident happen and who are the victims.
3. Resource; it can be a witness or statement/treatment of the authority.

Growing Student Smoking as Example of News Item Text

Growing Number of High School Student Smoking
A survey has found about 13 percent of first-time smokers in the country are junior high school students. It also revealed 89 percent of young female employees were smokers.

The survey was conducted in five major cities across the country, including Surakarta in Central Java.

Muhammad Syahril Mansyur, the Surakarta Health Agency’s respiratory illness division, said that the finding of the survey showed an alarming growth rate of Indonesian smokers. "This situation is a cause for concern,” he said. “It appears the country’s younger generation is uneducated about the health risks of smoking.”

The Indonesian anti-tobacco campaign has reportedly been deemed as ineffective as the government refuses to sign the international convention on tobacco control. It said that cigarette producers contributed to a large amount to state revenue and gave jobs to thousands of workers.
Rearranged from:

News Item about Man Push Van off Train Railroad

Argentina, February 09

An unidentified man became a hero in Argentina on Tuesday February 09 after security cameras captured him pushing a stalled van off the railroad tracks as a train bore down on the vehicle.

The video shows the man jump of the back of motorcycle and push a white van across the tracks before leaping back across tracks as the train narrowly missed him.

After a brief discussion with the man driving the motorcycle, he got back on the motorcycle and the two drove away.

This news item text is taken from Reuter UK

Example of News Item in " Picking up Hostages from Somali Pirate"

News item text is to tell the daily newsworthy. It is structured in: Event, Background event / Elaboration and Source. The following text is an example of news item.

Indonesia to Pick up Hostages from Somali Pirate
JAKARTA – Indonesia has deployed troops to the seas off Somalia to pick up its 20 sailors held hostage by pirates once the negotiations for their release are finalised, according to an official.

"The Indonesian military has sent troops to Somalia on March 23 to pick up our people and bring them home if necessary," Coordinating Ministry of Political, Security and Legal Affairs spokesman Sagom Tamboen told. "The carrier can still be hijacked once they are released," he said.

Tamboen said Jakarta sent two frigates with about 400 marines and army personnel to waters off the east coast of Africa.
Note: This example of news item text is taken from:

Contoh News Item Text tentang Camp Rock 2 The final Jam

News item text which is composed daily news has generic structure; newsworthy event, background, and source. As the news item about Camp Rock 2 premiere bellow, we can see the generic structure.
Newsworthy event is what event happened which considered as newsworthy. Commonly newsworthy event is place in the first paragraph. The announcement of the Camp Rock 2 Premiere is the newsworthy event.
Background event can be the detail information of the stated newsworthy event or the outside background which closely relates to newsworthy event. The information about the soundtrack songs of Camp Rock 2 Final Jam and the plot of movie is the background events.
Source is the closing statement which can be from the participants, witness, or the official authorities. The statement of Joe to MTV that songs were really cool is the source of this example of news item text. Now see the following example of news item about the premiere announcement of sequel Camp Rock 2, The Final Jam

Camp Rock 2 The final Jam will Premieres on Disney Channel
It was announced on Tuesday that Disney Channel movie with tourmate Demi Lovato, "Camp Rock 2: The Final Jam," will premiere on September 3 at 8 p.m. ET.
On July 27, long before they watch the sequel to the 2008 flick, fans can pick up the soundtrack, featuring 15 original songs that a press release promises will span genres from hip-hop to rock to pop.
The flick will not only have more summer lovin' between real-life couple Lovato and Joe Jonas as Mitchie and Shane, but there will also be a little friendly rivalry between the Camp Rockers and a group of musicians at another summer camp, Camp Star, including a love interest for Nick Jonas, played by Chloe Bridges.
The JoBros promise the movie's music will be every bit as entertaining as its plot, which has been kept a secret since the movie was shot. "The songs are really cool," Joe told MTV News.

Contoh News Item Text "Student Found Dead"

This is another example "contoh" of news item text. A news item text has a social function to tell the daily news. News item is constructed in the generic structure of NEWSWORTHY EVENT, BACKGROUND EVENT and SOURCE. A news item text can be found at news paper, magazine and other papers. Take a look at the following example "contoh" of news item text.

Student found dead in waterway in Serpong
The body of a high school student was found in a waterway on Jl. Pare in the Bumi Serpong Damai housing estate in Serpong , South Tangerang, on Wednesday.

Serpong Police chief Comr. Hibertus Omposungi identified the student as Taher Achmad, 16, from SMK Bina Kesehatan Cendakia in Tangerang. Omposungi refused to comment on the possible cause of the student’s death.

“We are still looking into the death of the student and will be sending the body to Tangerang General Hospital for an autopsy. Only autopsy results can explain the cause of death,” he said.

Note: "contoh" this news item is take from

Contoh News Item "Royal Honeymoon Begins"

This is another example of a news item text which tells the news of the Royal honeymoon. A news item text consists of NEWSWORTHY EVENT, BACKGROUND EVENTS and SOURCE as the generic structure. Let's take a look the following example of news item text!

Royal honeymoon begins for Prince William, Kate
Prince William and his wife, the former Kate Middleton, have left for a honeymoon at an undisclosed location, palace officials said on Tuesday.
British media widely reported they had jetted off to the Seychelles, an archipelago in the Indian Ocean. William has two weeks leave from his job as a search-and-rescue helicopter pilot, but palace officials would not say if the newlyweds will be away the entire two weeks.
After the media blitz surrounding their April 29 wedding at Westminster Abbey, the couple made it clear they'd like to be left alone by photographers. Still, their decision to delay a honeymoon surprise many. While William went back to work, Middleton - now known as the Duchess of Cambridge - was snapped by photographers grocery shopping near the couple's home on the remote Welsh island of Angelsey.
The idea of a Seychelles getaway gained traction when the Hamburg, Germany-based real estate mogul Farhad Vladi told the Hamburger Abendblatt daily he had rented the North Island in the Seychelles chain to the Windsors.

Understanding Types of Text

"Yes, we rented the island to the British royal family," Vladi told the paper. "Prince William and his Kate are spending their honeymoon there. But you will understand that we are not saying anything further."

Note: This example of news item text is taken from:

Contoh News Item "Indonesian Sailors Freed by Pirate"

We have several posts categorized as news item text. Additionally this is another example of news item which hopefully helps students to get a better understanding on what and how a news item text is

Indonesian Sailors Free as Pirates' Ransom is Paid
The crew of 20 Indonesian sailors aboard the Sinar Kudus cargo ship were finally freed by Somali pirates on Sunday.

“We received the cash of $4.5 million early this morning. We have abandoned the ship and it is preparing to sail away,” a pirate who gave his name as Geney told Reuters news agency

In March, a large group of 30 to 50 Somali pirates seized the Indonesian flagged and owned ship about 320 nautical miles northeast of the Yemeni island of Socotra. The Sinar Kudus was on its way to the Netherlands from the Indonesian island of Sulawesi when it was hijacked.

“The ship is now on its way to the nearest secure port and is being heavily guarded by Indonesian warships,” David Batubara, vice president of Samudra Indonesia told reporters late on Sunday.

Note: "Contoh" news item . It is arranged from:

Stoner wins Catalunya Grand Prix; News Item Sample

News item texts are often found in news paper, magazine radio news and others. News item tells the newsworthy event of the day. I have posted some news items samples and this is another one. Hopefully it helps students to get a better understanding on what and how a news item text is.

Stoner wins Catalunya Gand Prix
Casey Stoner won the Catalunya Grand Prix on Sunday for his third victory in the MotoGP championship this season.

The 2007 world champion overtook Jorge Lorenzo on the first lap and never looked back as the Australian's Honda proved too fast to catch on the 4.727-kilometer (2.937-mile) Catalunya circuit. Lorenzo was second, 2.403 seconds behind. After five races, defending champion Lorenzo holds a seven-point lead over Stoner. While american rider Ben Spies came in third for his first podium of the season.

Understanding Types of Text

Stoner said: "Jorge got off to a good start and I had to wait until the end of the first lap to overtake him and then he couldn't stay with me, fortunately."

Note: this news item sample is arranged from

News Item Sample "Icelandic Volcano Eruption"

REYKJAVIK, Iceland - Iceland closed its main international airport and canceled domestic flights Sunday due to a powerful volcanic eruption.

Understanding Types of Text

Airport and air traffic control operator ISAVIA said Keflavik airport, the country's main hub, was closed at 0830GMT (4:30 a.m. EDT), and would stay shut for the rest of the day.

In April 2010, officials closed the continent's air space for five days,fearing the ash could harm jet engines.Some 10 million travelers were stranded.

The Grimsvotn volcano, which lies under the uninhabited Vatnajokull glacierabout 120 miles (200 kilometers) east of the capital, Reykjavik, began erupting Saturday for the first time since 2004. Grimsvotn also erupted in 1998, 1996 and 1993. The eruptions have lasted between a day and several weeks.

University of Iceland geophysicist Magnus Tumi Gudmundsson said this eruption, which began Saturday, was Grimsvotn's largest eruption for 100 years.

Note: This example of news item text is simplified from yahoo news

A News Item 'Giant Wombat Skeleton Found'

The fossil of a car sized mega-wombat has been unearthed in northern Australia, scientists said Wednesday
A relative of the modern-day wombat, the diprotodon skeleton was dug up in remote Queensland last week and scientists believe it could shed valuable light on the species' demise.
Along with Australia's other mega fauna,which included towering kangaroos and gigantic crocodiles, diprotodon became extinct around the same time that indigenous tribes first appeared. "There's been a lot of debate about what killed the mega fauna and it's quite a hot topic in paleontology," Sue Hand, a professor on the team that made the discovery.
There could be some very interesting data to be extracted from the find.The animal was two metres tall (6 feet,six inches) and 3.5 metres (11 feet, six inches) long. It was the size of arhinoceros or a car, pigeon-toed and with a backward-facing pouch.
"They basically looked a lot like a wombat, a very big beefed-up wombat,much bigger than obviously anything that's around today," said Hand.

Note: this example of news item text is simplified from

Example of Review Text in 2012 Movie

2012 Film Review
2012 is Roland Emmerich's film which uses the Mayan calendar and other end-of-days prophecies for their doomsday scenario. It imagines the world coming to an end in 2012.

2012 film brings off a series of wonders. The movie hits its peak early on. It starts when Cusack drives a limo through the streets of Los Angeles as freeways and skyscrapers crumble all around him from the shock of a 10.5 earthquake. The preposterous flying sequence is equally thrilling. The climax occurs aboard the giant ark, when an equipment malfunction almost threatens the entire mission.

Unfortunately, the crucial sequence is not filmed or edited with the requisite clarity. In 2012 film, Emmerich leaves us befuddled as to exactly what is happening to whom. However, Emmerich' 2012 deserves credit for offbeat casting. Cusack supplies his trademark hangdog charm. McCarthy has perhaps his best role ever as Peet's cocky. Danny Glover lends dignity to the role of the tormented president. Chiwetel Ejiofor, as the chief scientist, brings a moving sense of anguish to a stock role. Platt has fun playing the villain of the piece, and Woody Harrelson also chews the scenery as a bug-eyed radio prophet trying to warn his listeners about Armageddon.

All in one, 2012's cinematography, production design and visual effects are awards-worthy. Music also propels the movie. It presents American Idol runner-up, Adam Lambert, who provides a rousing anthem over the end credits.
Simplified from:

"Bear Killed Old Man at Yellowstone Park" News Item

A grizzly bear killed a 57-year-old man hiking in Yellowstone National Park with his wife Wednesday. It's the first fatal bear mauling in the park since 1986.

The bears involved in Wednesday's encounter have not been captured, and park officials said they did not immediately have enough information to determine what measures, if any, they might take in the aftermath of the attack.

According to the AP, Yellowstone National Park is home to at least 600 grizzly bears, though some say the population is over 1,000. While the attack is the first fatal mauling in the park since 1986, it's the third in the region in little over a year.

A National Park Service statement said the couple surprised the mother grizzly while with her cubs, and that the grizzly fatally mauled the man in "an attempt to defend a perceived threat to her cubs."

This news item text sample is arranged from

Text Types in Non-Fiction Writing

Text types is generalized in two kinds; fiction and no-fiction. Fiction will be close relating to literature while non-fiction is deal more in technical usage of daily life.
Browsing over the Internet, I find a very useful source to learn text types in non-fiction summary. They are:
1. Report text, this kind of text is to describe the way things are, give detail description as they are
2. Procedure, this instructional text is to instruct or describe how to make something or how something is done through a series of sequenced steps or phases.
3. Recount, this text tries to retell events. Commonly the events happened in the past
4. Explanation, this kind of text surely explains the process involved in nature and how something works. Explanation text is composed a lot in natural phenomena.
5. Persuasion, as its word root, persuasive text tries to argue the case for a point of view and in higher point it makes to convince and persuade readers. Persuasion text is studied in two types; analytical exposition and hortatory text.
6. Discussion, a type of text which present argument and information from different points of view. Generally discussion text is accomplished with a recommendation
7. The other types of non-fiction text such as Internet material, leaflet, interview, diary, journalistic writing, biography and autobiography can be seen at

Understanding Types of Text

Text can be classified into several types. The term of 'type' is sometime stated as 'genre'. These types of text are Narrative, Report, Analytical Exposition, Procedure, Recount, Spoof, Anecdote, Discussion, Description, Explanation, Review, Hortatory, News Item, etc.
These classification on type of text are based on analysis of three main elements of text. These elements of text are:
The purpose of the text; why is the text made?, what is text made for by its writer
The generic structure of the text; analyzing the used structure in composing the text, in what way is the text constructed by its writer.
The language feature; taking a look at the linguistic characterizations of the text, what kind of language feature is used to build the text by its writer.
However, a text is not pure form. It is a mixture of genre. In many examples, report text is sometime mixed with explanation text. Recount text is compromised to report or descriptive type. Texts do not always conform perfectly to the typical classifications. Understanding types of text should be aimed as understanding general guiding principles. Studying types of text should be read as studying genres, and not for a factual direction in writing a text.

Classification Essay - Everything You Need to Know

Classification here is viewed both as a simplification and an organizing tool.

By simplification, you break complex notions into a straightforward and uncomplicated grouping and organizing. This also arranges a wide array of data into a coherent order.


The process involves grouping members with a common attribute under one category. But it goes beyond this simple common sense approach. A consideration of the impetus behind the endeavor must also be explored. Why do you choose to classify the subjects according to a particular attribute?

A Unifying Standard

As expected, every single object or idea has a multitude of attributes and can be classified in a lot of ways. This can cause unduly confusion to the writer and to the reader as well if the former is unable to come to terms with the whole process.

To solve this inevitable complication, you must have a unifying principle in place (i.e. a thesis statement). This helps ensure that you are geared toward a particular direction and that you don't fall prey to the common mistakes encountered when classifying.

The list includes using too many or too little categories and choosing the wrong set of categories (quantitative and qualitative merits of the categories).

Writing Methodology

Given that you are well equipped in the arena of classification process, we go to the question of writing style. The basic rule is that you must focus on a single specific category in every paragraph. And for each paragraph, you must have a proper labeling (name the category), followed by an indication of the group's common attributes.

You then name the members of the group after which you illustrate specific examples or situations. Aside from labeling the group members' similarities, indicate what separates them from those that constitute the other categories or groups (what makes them unique from others?). You can follow this same pattern for every paragraph.

Simple Tips

Do your homework. Gaining a deep knowledge on your topic will make you better at the classifying process and will help you give it a more insightful discussion. So go on, surf through the Internet and be an expert in your chosen topic.

You can also try making your essay more convincing by setting a defining factor that separates it from other papers written in the same style. The knowledge you got from your research should be helpful. You can also go back to the basics by redefining your writing style. For one, you must follow the basic requirement in formal written communication-keep your sentences short.

It goes without saying that your sentences must be clear and concise; also avoid highfalutin words. There really is no need for flowery words in this type of composition. The best route to take is simplicity.

Another basic in written communications-start with a draft and make the necessary revisions. Writing needs a meticulousness factor and a classification essay is not any different.

Article Source:

Text Types in Three Main Genres

Learning text types is presented as the main subject in English lesson for high school students. Most of the time during their time in high school, the students focus their attention to text types with each generic structure and what language used to construct the texts varying to each other. That generic structure and language features which are commonly found different from one text to another is used based on the purpose of each genres.

Text types in the three main genres which must be studied in high school specially designed for graduate competences standard (SKL) are:
This narrative genre includes narrative, recount, and news item. All these text types in narrative genres composed to tell and inform.
The texts which include in descriptive genres are report, descriptive, and explanation. These text genres are written to describe. They tend to use words with describing sense and not telling
Argumentative genres will cover analytical exposition, hortatory exposition and discussion. These text types explore reason to answer the question "why" and "how".

To enlarge our knowledge, texts are defined into three main genres which slightly different from the above classification referring to the high school graduate competences standard. According to nationalstrategies, the tree main genres which show the text types distinctions are as follow:
1. NARRATIVE which includes adventure, mystery, science fiction, fantasy, historical fiction, contemporary fiction, dilemma stories, dialogue, myths, legends, fairy tales, and fables.
2. NON-FICTION which accommodates discussion texts, explanatory texts, instructional text, persuasion texts, non-chronological reports and recounts.
3. POETRY which refers to free verse, visual poems and structured poems.

Back to School Back to Learn Text Types

ext types is one of the major topics should be acquired by high school students in Indonesia. The purpose of designing such curriculum in English lesson hopefully leads the students to understand various kinds of text presented and written in English as applicable passages which are found in the student's daily life.
Of course many functional texts and passages found daily will not formed strictly in single type. It is often found that RECOUNT is mixed with NARRATIVE to communicate with the readers to get the maximum attention and interest. So far, some time Writer combine EXPLANATION and PROCEDURE to show how and why something is formed. Many of them even combine several type theory to build the construction text. Learning several types of text will of course increase the understanding to feature and character of each types of text. Then if it is caught, it will lead better knowledge in a whole texts
In many exam material, student should understand and analyze the certain text or passage which they have to determine which text type the passage belongs to. Of course understanding the meaning of the text is absolutely necessary before coming to text types feature. Learning text types will include the generic structure and language feature.
Lets got to school after long holiday season and lets learn text types again. This blog hopefully will be student's friend in learning English text types

Time to learn Text Types again

School break almost ends and it will be the time to go back to school. Students who are in high school, Learning English text types or text genres is not strange anymore.

Most of the sessions are brought to them to learn what kinds of text which they should study, how they understand about the text types, what information they catch from the various text, and how they write each of the text.

In this odd semester, especially students who learn in senior high school, they will spend most of their time in learning narrative, recount, procedure, report, analytical exposition, spoof, explanation, and discussion.

Each subject will be generally classified in definition and what purpose or the social function of each text, how each text is arrange in composition or what is the generic structure, and commonly finalized with the language feature of each text.

What is Anecdote?

Anecdote Text

Definition and Social Function of Anecdote
Anecdote is a text which retells funny and unusual incidents in fact or imagination. Its purpose is to entertain the readers.

Generic Structure of Anecdote
1. Abstract
2. Orientation
3. Crisis
4. Reaction
5. Coda

Language Feature of Anecdote
1. Using exclamation words; it's awful!, it's wonderful!, etc
2. Using imperative; listen to this
3. Using rhetoric question; do you know what?
4. Using action verb; go, write, etc
5. Using conjunction of time; then, afterward
6. Using simple past tense

Blessing behind Tragedy; an anecdote text

There was a black family in Scotland years ago. They were Clark family with nine children. They had a dream to go to America. The family worked and saved. They were making plan to travel with their children to America. It had taken several years but finally they had saved enough money. They had gotten passport. They had booked seats for the whole family member in a new liner to America.

The entire family was full of anticipation and excitement with their new life in America. However few days before their departure, the youngest son was bitten by a dog. The doctor sewed up the boy. Because of the possibility of getting rabies, there were being quarantined for long days. They were in quarantine when the departure time came. The family dreams were dashed. They could not make the trip to America as they had planned.

The father was full of disappointed and anger. He stomped the dock to watch the ship leaved without him and his family. He shed tears of disappointment. He cursed both his son and God for the misfortune.

Five days latter, the tragic news spread throughout Scotland. The ship, the mighty Titanic, had shank. It took hundreds of passenger and crew with it. Titanic which had been called the unsinkable ship had sunk. It was unbelievable but it was.

The Clak family should have been on that ship, but because of the bitten son by a dog, they were left behind. When the father heard the news, he hugged the son and thanked him for saving the family. He thanked God for saving their lives. It was a blessing behind a tragedy. (Adapted from Look Ahead 2)

Generic Structure Analysis
Abstract: Everybody has a dream. You have and so do I. When the dream will come true, there is something wrong last minute before it. What will we feel? What will we do?

Orientation: the Clak family lived in Scotland. They had dream to travel to America. They prepared well for their plan

Crisis: few days before they went to America, his youngest son was bitten by a dog. It made they were being quarantined. They had to forget their plan.

Incident: the family was full of disappointment and anger. The father was angry with his son and God. The family failed to travel to America and the father could not accept it.

Coda: the father thank to his son when he hear the ship sank. He thank to God because of saving the family from sinking. He thought leaving behind the ship was not a tragedy but a blessing.

From Bankrupt Candle to Best Seller Soap; an Anecdote Text Example

In 1879, William Procter and James Gamble's best seller was candles. They had begun business together in Cincinnati. While they were in peak of popularity, the candle company was in trouble as Thomas Edison had invented the light bulb. It looked as if their candle product would become obsolete. People would like to use light bulb and would not use candle anymore.

The fears became reality when the market for candles plummeted since the candle product were now sold only for special occasions. The outlook of candle company appeared to be bleak and depressing for Procter and Gamble. The situation was more miserable. Several months later the accident occurred. Without thinking one of the employee left to go to lunch and forgot to turn off the machine. Since the machinery was left in operation, air would work its way into the mixture.

However after discussing with his supervisor, the employee decided not to discard the mixture. Instead, he poured the mixture into frames and the soap hardened. Thus, the floating soap was born. Harley Procter decided to give the soap a name that people could remember. Then the soap was named IVORY. This ivory soap became the mainstay of the Procter and Gamble Company.

Amazingly, Procter and Gamble began to receive letters from buyers of this "accidental" soap. They wanted more of the soap that floats. Ivory soap was introduced to the marketplace. Even though this interesting formula was one of their best products, they were perplexed as to how this happened. The mysterious formula for the floating soap was resolved when the lunchtime accident was revealed.

Note: this example of anecdote text is arranged from and Anecdote text is similar to narrative and also spoof and recount. What make different is the generic structure. Anecdote text is not only a matter of funny story like we often hear. Anecdote tex, in term of text type is an inspirational story, a story which a bring a CODA which is included in the end of the text

Spoof Text is Different from Anecdote Text

Commonly we define spoof and anecdote are similar, even both are same. Spoof and anecdote tend to be defined as text which relate to funny story and unusual incidents. Well it can be true as both bring the function mostly to entertain and share to readers. However, is spoof text like anecdote? If not, then what is the difference between spoof text and anecdote? Actually what is spoof text? and what is anecdote text? Well, let's go on. I have some comment which are identical. The point of the comments are asking what is the difference between spoof and anecdote text, or how to differ spoof from anecdote. From that view, this post tries to go on.
We often find understanding about the funny story in our society life. Every funny story is often defined as anecdote. In this term, anecdote is pointing to "cerita lelucon" or "konyol". Most the story are funny because they have unpredictable funny things in the end. All those types of story are often socially called anecdote and they are going on. However, the unpredictable thing in the end of story which is often funny is called TWIST. This Twist, in term of text type, belongs to spoof. While in the generic structure of anecdote, we can not find the twist. So it might be the funny story which we often hear in our social life and defined as anecdote story is not the the anecdote text in term of text types we are learning.
In text types discussion, Anecdote text has generic structure on how it is composed and the generic structures of anecdote are abstract, orientation, crisis, reaction and coda. while we know that the generic structure of spoof text is orientation, events, and twist. So the point is there are different generic structures between spoof text and anecdote text. Spoof ends with twist while anecdote is accomplished by coda. That is the point, how to differ easily between spoof and anecdote text

Contoh Text Anecdote SNAKE IN THE BATHROOM

It is bit difficult to find out some examples of anecdote text. Most texts available over the Internet which are labeled as anecdote just referring to funny story. Meanwhile, in term of text type or text genres, anecdote text is separated to spoof which has main element of funny thing. Actually the point of anecdote is the CODA (hikma), what do the participants learn from the series of event in the story. The following text is good example of anecdote. Take a look!

Snake in the Bathroom
How would you like to find a snake in you bath?
We had just moved into a new house, which had been empty for so long that everything was in a terrible mess. Anna and I decided that we would clean the bath first, so we set to, and turned on the tap.
Suddenly to my horror, a snake's head appeared in the plug hole. Then out slithered the rest of his long thin body. He twisted and turned on the slippery bottom of the bath, spitting and hissing at us.
For an instant I stood there quite paralyzed. Then I yelled for my husband, who luckily came running and killed the snake with the handle of a broom.
Anna, who was only three at the time, was quite interested in the whole business. Indeed I had to pull her out of the way or she'd probably have lean over the bath to get a better look.
We found out later that it was a black mamba, a poisonous kind of snake. It had obviously been fast asleep, curled up at the bottom of the nice warm water-pipe. It must have had an awful shock when the cold water came trickling down! But nothing to the shock I got! Ever since then I've always put the plug in firmly before running the bath water
Note: contoh / example of anecdote text is recomposed from karupin'blog

Rabu, 06 Juli 2011

Surat Cinta Seorang Ilmuwan

Archimedes dan Newton tak akan mengerti
Medan magnet yang berinduksi di antara kita
Einstein dan Edison tak sanggup merumuskan E=mc2
Ah tak sebanding dengan momen cintaku

Pertama kali bayangmu jatuh tepat di fokus hatiku
Nyata, tegak, diperbesar dengan kekuatan lensa maksimum
Bagai tetes minyak milikan jatuh di ruang hampa
Cintaku lebih besar dari bilangan avogadro...

Walau jarak kita bagai matahari dan Pluto saat aphelium
Amplitudo gelombang hatimu berinterfensi dengan hatiku
Seindah gerak harmonik sempurna tanpa gaya pemulih
Bagai kopel gaya dengan kecepatan angular yang tak terbatas

Energi mekanik cintaku tak terbendung oleh friksi
Energi potensial cintaku tak terpengaruh oleh tetapan gaya
Energi kinetik cintaku = -mv~
Bahkan hukum kekekalan energi tak dapat menandingi hukum kekekalan di antara kita

Lihat hukum cinta kita
Momen cintaku tegak lurus dengan momen cintamu
Menjadikan cinta kita sebagai titik ekuilibrium yang sempurna
Dengan inersia tak terhingga
Takkan tergoyahkan impuls atau momentum gaya
Inilah resultan momentum cinta kita