
Kamis, 09 Juli 2009


I roy 16 years old I was born in Sragen regency is a pro-ibukotakan solo you know-lah I certainly have, and papa bunda but I was born on 10 October.
My friend said I think they are handsome and I am so I baek deh buanyac temennya in class and around the house.
I now live in the weekend-a new way I serayu happy life together they learn, and I think I was the world's most fortunate because I have parents like them
and I am also very proud to equal what I am because of what they can I was living kurasa all those who fear death
I know you do !!!!!

See tawaku
Hear senandungku
Clearly visible dimataku
Color - color indahku

Contemplate langkahku
Weep my life story
Clearly reflected that the heart
Beautiful gift that you have

Sifatku nan s'lalu
Redakan ambisimu
Tepikan khilafmu
From the faded flower

When I disisimu
Return the cloudless
Tegaskan that I
Beautiful gift that kaumiliki

Belai soft jariku
Cool tatap wajahku
Warm embrace janjiku

Seemed impossible, seemed absurd
I did not even know you before
Kept my distance, closing in
I do not mind caressing your skin

What did you say, what did you do?
Somehow, I feel I'm enchanted by you
Flying high on a mountain high
Suddenly you look as bright as the sky

Something old, something new
Something I did not thought could be true
Have I forgotten, or never have I
Felt like this, as light as a Feather
Not interested in love,
but I'm attracted to you
I hope that you feel the same way too
A little too fast but way too long
Though I'm not sure where I belong

Something old, something new
Something I did not thought could be true
Love's too strong and a bit cliche
For now this is enough, I've got a long way
Something old, something new
Something I did not thought could be true
I'm afraid to ask but I need to know
Would you want me to stay?
Or would you want me to go?

"These are my feelings ...

I hope you'll understand ...
It might not be much,
but it's more than I can spend ....

my parents are very dear to me, I like nontn sinetron. Either one of what I do until this slama skarang not tether mrmpunyai heart, I really regret my act up against all the people I sakiti, bayangin have many friends that I temani cewe none who can understand this ..... akan perasan ..... but I always try not to repeat the error again, then it's whoever is membacca this commentary can be given for the changes akan my life is my ........... berterimakasi up on all the comments you I ....

Rabu, 08 Juli 2009

Dalam kesempatan ini kita akan membahas trik untuk membuka hidden file yang terdapat dalam flasdik. sebelumnya kita harus membuka hidden file melalui explorer. cara membuka hidden file melalu explorer,
klik tools pilih folder option lalu pilih tab View. Berikan tanda centang pada Show Hidden Files and Folders.

Setelah hidden file di explorer telah di set ke show hidden files and folders selanjutnya kita akan membuka file yang hidden di flasdisk dengan menggunakan command line, berikut caranya :

1. klik start lalu pilih run

2. ketik "cmd" (tanpa tanda petik)

3. lalu ketik F: (misalnya flasdisk driver F) lalu tekan enter

4. ketik attrib -s -h *.* /s /d

5. lalu tekan enter

Maka akan terlihat file atau folder yg hidden di dalam flasdisk, selanjutnya terserah kita mau di delet atau dibiarin

Rabu, 01 Juli 2009


aku roy 16 tahun aku lahir di sragen sebuah kabupaten yang ber-ibukotakan solo kau tahu-lah aku pasti punya papa dan bunda tapi aku lahir pada tanggal 10 bulan oktober.
kata teman ku aku ganteng dan mereka pikir aku baek so aku buanyac temennya deh di kelas dan di sekitar rumah.
aku sekarang tinggal di pekan-baru jalan serayu aku bahagia hidup ber sama mereka dan aku rasa aku adalah orang yang paling beruntung sedunia karena aku punya orang tua seperti mereka
dan aku juga sangat bangga sama temen temen aku karena mereka aku bisa menjalani hidup yang kurasa semua orang takut mati
tahu kah kamu kalo!!!!!
Melihat tawaku
Mendengar senandungku
Terlihat jelas dimataku
Warna - warna indahku
Menatap langkahku
Meratapi kisah hidupku
Terlukis jelas bahwa hatiku
Anugerah terindah yang pernah kau miliki
Sifatku nan s’lalu
Redakan ambisimu
Tepikan khilafmu
Dari bunga yang layu

Saat ku disisimu
Kembali dunia ceria
Tegaskan bahwa aku
Anugerah terindah yang pernah kaumiliki

Belai lembut jariku
Sejuk tatap wajahku
Hangat peluk janjiku
Seemed impossible, seemed absurd
I didn’t even know you before
Kept my distance, closing in
I don’t mind caressing your skin

What did you say, what did you do?
Somehow, I feel I’m enchanted by you
Flying high on a mountain high
Suddenly you look as bright as the sky

Something old, something new
Something I didn’t thought could be true
Have I forgotten, or have I never
Felt like this, as light as a feather
Not interested in love,
but I’m attracted to you
I hope that you feel the same way too
A little too fast but way too long
Though I’m not sure where I belong

Something old, something new
Something I didn’t thought could be true
Love’s too strong and a bit cliché
For now this is enough, I’ve got a long way
Something old, something new
Something I didn’t thought could be true
I’m afraid to ask but I need to know
Would you want me to stay?
Or would you want me to go?

“These are my feelings…

I hope you’ll understand…
It might not be much,
but it’s more than I can spend….
orang tua saya sangat sayang kepada saya,saya suka nontn sinetron. Entah saLah apa yang saya perbuat slama ini sampai skarang tidak mrmpunyai tambatan hati, saya sangat menyesali atas perbuatan saya terhadap semua orang yang pernah saya sakiti, bayangin teman sudah banyak cewe yang saya temani tak satupun yang dapat mengerti akan perasan ini..........padahal saya selalu berusaha untuk tidak mengulangi kesalahan lagi, maka dari itu barang siapa yang membacca ini tolong diberi komentarnya untuk perubahan akan hidup saya...........saya sangat berterimakasi atas semua komentar kalian pada saya....